South Rapid Foothills weather

 Latitude N 44° 01' 05"    Longitude W 103° 14' 20"    Elevation 3743 ft

Dawn: 6:48 AM Sunrise: 7:20 AM Moonrise: 1:12 AM Moon
Dusk: 5:22 PM Sunset:  4:50 PM Moonset: 11:02 AM
Daylight: 10:33 Day length: 09:30 Moon Percentage Visible: 43

The weather station in use is the Davis WeatherLink Live, and these pages are updated every 1 minute. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

Forecast: Fine weather

Conditions at local time 8:51 AM
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 27.0 °F Hi/Low Temps Today 27.2 / 25.2 °F
Dew Point 13.9 °F Hi/Low Dewpoint Today 16.5 / 13.0 °F
Apparent Temperature 15.6 °F Temp change last hour +1.1 °F
Humidity 57% Wet-bulb Temperature 23.7 °F
Humidex -2.8 Estimated Cloud Base 2977 ft
Rainfall Today 0.00 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last rainfall 2025-01-08 20:53
Rainfall Since Midnight 0.00 in Rainfall This Month 0.12 in
Rainfall Last 24 Hours 0.00 in Rainfall This Year 0.12 in
Wind Speed (avg) 13 mph Peak Speed/Gust Today 23 / 40 mph
Wind Speed (gust) 40 mph Wind Variation (last 10 minutes) From 232° To 12°
Wind Bearing 312° NW Beaufort F4 Moderate breeze
Air Quality
AQI (1 hour average PM 2.5) 2 AQI (Nowcast PM 2.5) 2
AQI (1 hour average PM 10) 1 AQI (Nowcast PM 10) 1
Pressure and Solar
Barometer  1019.0 mb Rising 0.6 mb/hr
Solar  181 W/m2 Today's Peak 181 W/m2
:now: :gauges: :graphs: :today: :yesterday: :this month: :this year: :monthly records: :records: :graphical records: :historic graphs: :noaa reports: :reception: :webcam:

Page updated 1/22/2025 8:51:02 AM
powered by Cumulus v4.3.3 (4070)